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What You Need to Know About Laser Plastic Welding
Welding is usually an activity done on materials like metals. With the advancement of technology though, it is this process that can now be done using other materials like plastic. This is considered to be an emerging technology and its development is also continuing. Plastic welding is one that basically makes use of diode lasers in order to weld thermoplastic materials. By utilizing the laser beam, it is the two plastics materials that can be joined together through the process of heat transfer. Laser plastic welding is considered to be one that can offer good product quality and automation. Laser welding in fact has been utilized by many different industries including automotive and the medical field. You need to know that for the plastic materials to bind correctly, it is important that the right materials and component design are being utilized. It is important to make sure that both the plastic materials that will be joined together should be compatible with each other. It is also important that they will have an overlapping melting range. The laser beam that the machine will put out should be able to penetrate the transparent layer of the plastic component. It is also important to ensure that the bottom lawyer will have a good surface absorption property. Once you are able to find the correct materials and equipment then it is you that can find a lot of advantages of laser plastic welding.
One of the advantages that of laser plastic welding is that it offers more application possibility when it comes to plastics. This means that many industries can now create different products using this technology with plastic as their material. Another great thing with laser plastic welding is that it is one that can provide concealed seams and will also be able to minimize the interaction of components. Once one will be using traditional welding methods then the heat might be too much which can have a huge effect on the components of the product.
Another great thing about laser plastic welding is that it is one that will not scatter plastic materials around. This is a great thing, especially for medical applications. It is also with laser plastic wedding where factors like vibrations and friction are not present. This means that it is one that will have a less harsh process. Once you will also be utilizing laser plastic welding then it will be using welding materials with less thickness which means that it will be great for cost savings.
Laser plastic welding is also the one that can offer a cleaner bond compared to that of using adhesives and other bonding materials. This one also utilizes laser beams instead of micro nozzles which is prone to clogging. And since this process will be emitting less heat and will not be using any form of liquid then it is able to expel fewer fumes which is great for the safety of the workplace as well as other materials and equipment around it. Laser plastic welding equipment can also meet rigorous safety and design requirements which are common in the aviation and automotive industry.